пятница, 3 мая 2013 г.

Viktor Ivanov on situation in the World

Once in the Western Hemisphere, the United States strengthened its border with Mexico, and stepped up the fight against drug trafficking in Colombia, the geography has changed. Smectilis of coca cultivation in Colombia, Peru and neighboring Bolivia. Deliveries of her did not go to the north - in the U.S. and to Europe (in the last year - twice as much), and that is in the direction of Russia.

Thus the main transit route rapidly became Africa - the one part where the French operation unfolds against those whom we, as it turns out, only very superficially call "Islamists". In fact, the support expressed by Putin in Moscow accepted the new French President Hollande, and is based on a common understanding drug threat. At least that is how it is perceived in the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control. This is "Vesti on Saturday," said its director Viktor Ivanov.

- Victor Petrovich, from your recent speeches it is clear that the drugs began to seriously affect the geopolitics. A brand new script appears in Africa. What is it?

- Yes, it's completely corresponds with the increase in the activity of piracy along the coast of West Africa, as it is almost the same people, the same groups that are engaged in piracy and the wholesale and mass transit users. Drug transit is home to terrorism.

- Mali and drug trafficking as corresponded?

- France, which introduced a military contingent to the territory of that State, says that in Mali there are gangs that are closely related to the transit of drugs.

- This is the reason why Russia, in this particular issue on the side of France?

- Including.

- Despite the differences in estimates of the Malian situation and Syria, there is an obvious coincidence?

- On the territory of these countries France derives almost all of the uranium for its nuclear industry, and 85% of the electricity that is produced in France - is nuclear power. So France is extremely concerned about the processes associated with the transit of Latin American drugs across the African continent.

- Because they lead to policy changes at the site, which is controlled by France habitually perceive yourself?

- Of course.